How to Grow Sprouts in a Jar in 8 Simple Steps

Safely growing the freshest sprouts at home is easy with these step-by-step instructions.

bean sprouts growing in jars

Science Photo Library / Getty Images

Project Overview
  • Skill Level: Beginner

Sprouts often come as part of a deli sandwich or salad from a salad bar. While you can also find them in the produce section of your local grocery store, to ensure that you’re eating the freshest sprouts, growing your own sprouts is the best option. Sprouting seeds doesn’t take a lot of equipment, money, or time. However, to safely grow sprouts, there are a few basics you need to know. These step-by-step instructions walk you through the process of growing sprouts in a jar.

What Are Sprouts?

Sprouts are the first growth that is produced from a germinated seed. These tiny plant shoots have high levels of key vitamins and minerals. Plus they add a crisp texture to sandwiches, salads, and stir-fries. Unlike most vegetables that often take weeks or months to grow, sprouts mature in as early as 3 to 5 days and don’t need soil, fertilizer, or sunshine to grow. They do, however, need your regular attention if you’re going to grow them safely from your home. Make sure you follow the cleaning, rinsing, and draining steps outlined below.

How to Eat Sprouts Safely

Sprouts are a known source of foodborne illness due to the warm, humid environment that they’re grown in and the fact that they’re often eaten raw or lightly cooked. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, washing the sprouts does not remove harmful germs, namely Salmonella, E. coli, or Listeria, that may grow on the outside and inside of the sprouts. Only cooking sprouts until steaming hot kills those germs and reduces the risk of food poisoning.

Using Special Sprouting Seeds

It is important to use only seeds that are specifically labeled and packaged for sprouting, as they have been tested for a high germination rate and are held to higher safety standards than seeds sold for gardening. But even if sprouting seeds are sold as sprouting seeds, there is the risk of human pathogens in the seeds because the source of contaminated sprouts is usually contaminated seeds. Only purchase seeds from established, reputable companies that do extensive seed screening for human pathogens.

There are many different types of sprouting seeds, including alfalfa, broccoli, radish, red clover, mung bean, soybean, lentil, wheatgrass, and whole grains, with varying germination times.

If you’re just getting started on sprouting, try experimenting with just one sprout at a time.

What You'll Need


  • 1 packet of seeds for sprouting
  • 1 piece of cheesecloth and rubber band
  • 1 quart-size Mason jar
  • 1 medium-size bowl


  1. Find a Suitable Spot

    Choose a light-filled and well-ventilated spot in your home where the room temperature is consistently above 70°F. Place your sprouting jar away from areas of food preparation, pets, and high household traffic.

  2. Clean and Sanitize Equipment

    Sprouting jars and any utensils used in the sprouting process must be cleaned and sanitized before starting a new batch of seeds. Use ¾ cup of bleach per gallon of water (3 tablespoons per quart) and soak the jar for at least 5 minutes. Then rinse with clean water. You can also sanitize equipment such as jars and cheesecloth by boiling them in tap water for 10 minutes in a large pot. Wash your hands well before handling the seeds, sprouts, or equipment.

  3. Soak the Seeds

    In a clean, sanitized jar, mix 1 teaspoon of the seeds you want to sprout with four times the amount of water (4 teaspoons).

  4. Cover the Jar

    Cover the jar with cheesecloth and secure it with a rubber band. Sprouting lids that fit on a Mason jar are also an option; they help make the rinsing process easier.

  5. Rinse and Drain the Seeds

    After 10 to 12 hours, pour off any excess water that the seeds have not absorbed. Rinse the seeds thoroughly under cool tap water. Then drain the seeds by tilting the jar over the bowl to allow excess water to drain.

  6. Repeat

    For the next few days, repeat the rinsing and draining step at least three times a day or every four hours. Be sure to remove as much water as possible each time by tilting the jar as described above.

  7. Harvest the Sprouts

    Many sprouts are ready to use in as little as three to four days, others take a couple of days longer. Rinse the sprouts one more time and drain them thoroughly. Wrap the sprouts in a clean dish towel, then use a
    salad spinner to dry them or pat them dry with paper towel.

  8. Store Sprouts in Fridge

    Refrigerate harvested sprouts in an airtight container for up to five days. Discard sprouts if they start to discolor, develop a sour smell, or have a sweaty or furry appearance.

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  1. "Foods That Can Cause Food Poisoning." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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