How to Clean a Yoga Mat (Because You May Not Do It Enough)

Get our best tips and tricks for cleaning your yoga mat, plus advice for storing it once it's spot-free.

We hate to break it to you, but you're likely not cleaning your yoga mat nearly enough. The good news is that learning how to clean a yoga mat the right way and adding it to your routine can be as easy as 1-2-3. Giving your mat a quick spray with a natural cleaner with each use will keep grime and buildup in check so you aren't left with a mess when it's time for a deeper clean—a job you should schedule anywhere from monthly to every six months, depending on how often your mat is used and how much sweat it sees during practice.

To keep things straightforward, Vera Peterson, president of Molly Maid, says a gentle scrub with a soap and water solution will get the job done. Just be sure you don't drench your yoga mat in the process. Vanesa Amaro, known on TikTok as the "Queen of Cleaning," advises always to let your mat dry completely before rolling it up and storing it to prevent mildew. Here's how to clean a yoga mat in the best ways, according to cleaning experts and yoga pros.

What You'll Need

Equipment / Tools

How to Clean a Yoga Mat with Natural Materials

  • Spray bottle
  • Microfiber Cloth

How to Clean a Yoga Mat with a Steam Cleaner

  • Handheld steamer, garment steamer, or steam mop
  • Drying Rack


How to Clean a Yoga Mat with Natural Materials

  • 1/2 cup vinegar
  • 2 Tbsp. baking soda
  • Tea tree oil
  • Water

How to Clean a Yoga Mat with a Steam Cleaner

  • Water


How to Clean a Yoga Mat

person cleaning yoga mat
jacoblund / Getty Images

How to Clean a Yoga Mat in a Washing Machine

"It's important to always check the label or packaging to see if your mat is machine washable since sometimes that is the easiest way for a quick clean," says Peterson. If your mat specifically states that it's machine washable, it's likely best to wash it on a gentle cycle and without bleach. Once the wash cycle is done, remove your yoga mat from the washer promptly and hang it up to dry. Always refer to the manufacturer's care instructions for best results. If your mat doesn't specify whether it's safe for the washing machine, choose another cleaning option.

How to Clean a Yoga Mat with a Natural Cleaner

Peterson recommends this method for cleaning a yoga mat using natural ingredients.

  1. Prepare Cleaning Solution

    In a spray bottle, mix a solution of vinegar, baking soda, and a few drops of tea tree oil. Fill the bottle up the rest of the way with water.

  2. Wipe Down Mat

    Spray the solution onto a microfiber towel or cloth—some mats should not be sprayed directly—and wipe down the mat.

  3. Let Mat Dry

    Allow the mat to dry completely before storing.

Frequency: You can use this cleaner as your post-practice wipe down with every use, or use it on your mat weekly to keep dirt and bacteria in check.

How to Clean a Yoga Mat with a Steam Cleaner

  1. Steam One Side of Mat

    Place your mat on a clean, flat surface. Steam the mat in a linear fashion, using long strokes down the length of the mat. Ensure the entire surface has been steamed.

  2. Steam Other Side of Mat

    Flip the mat and repeat step on the alternate side.

    Let Mat Dry

    Hang the mat to dry. Allow the mat to dry completely before storing.

Frequency: Kelly Turner, VP of training and experience for YogaSix, steam cleans her studio mats quarterly for a deeper clean, though you can increase or decrease the frequency (anywhere from monthly to every six months) based on when you start to spot discoloration, grime, or buildup of any kind. You might need to deep clean your mat more often if you wear lotions or sweat a lot during practice.

Editor's Tip

Some mats are not suited for steam cleaning as they're not heat-safe. Be sure to check the label and care instructions on your yoga mat before using the methods mentioned in this article.

How to Break In a Yoga Mat

If you notice your new mat is slick, Turner offers some advice. "Mats often need to be broken in," she says. "They may start out a bit slippery due to an initial coating, which is why giving them a scrub down with coarse salt can be helpful." Turner also offers alternatives such as using a mat towel or flipping it upside down for a few weeks of practice until it is fully broken in.

How to Store a Yoga Mat

Whether you're cleaning your mat or just wrapped a hot yoga session, you'll need to pay particular attention to how you store it while it's still wet—as in, don't. Amaro suggests allowing the mat to dry thoroughly, which could take up to 24 hours, depending on how drenched it got. Premature rolling could cause mold and mildew.

Have You Cleaned These Recently?

Cleaning is a never-ending chore, and most people have a simple routine to keep their homes free of germs, dust, and dirt that covers the most-used spaces, appliances, and rooms. But what about the places and items you may be overlooking? For example, your desk and office equipment could probably use a good going-over (try this cleaning putty for hard-to-reach spots). These often-forgotten items get pretty grimy and should be cleaned more frequently. And when summer ends, take time to scrub these things before putting them away to keep them in good shape for next year.

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