Explore Joanna Gaines's Charming Country Garden

Take a peek into Joanna's getaway, complete with raised beds, a chicken coop, and a multipurpose garden house.

Joanna Gaines is known for her farmhouse style, minimalist wardrobe, and prowess in the kitchen. But her secret lies in the garden. When she and her husband (and fixer-upper partner) Chip started renovating their family farmhouse, she started planning the rustic, European-inspired garden. Her wishlist included a cute chicken coop, raised beds for growing vegetables, herbs and fruit, and a garden house to provide space for a watering station, to store her gardening books, and a work area. Here's how it all came together.

Joanna Gaines' garden house, raised beds with vegetables
At Home - Magnolia

The Gaines family hosts many animals on their property (dogs, cats, cows, horses, pigs, goats—you name it, they've got it). When designing the garden, Joanna knew she'd need to fence in the raised beds to keep the animals from eating her vegetables. A white country fence is lined with wire mesh to keep unexpected visitors, like rabbits, out. The raised beds are stained a rich mahogany color and hold different brambles, vines, and stalks that produce edibles. Farm-to-table dining is important to Joanna, and the produce from her garden is integrated into the dishes at their restaurant, Magnolia Table.

Romantic arbors create a tunnel over the gravel path that leads to the garden house. Climbing vines and fruit trees use the posts as support. Along the other edge of the fence sits a family-size teak table with benches providing the perfect place for a fresh summer meal. Hanging orb planters take the place of a chandelier and add visual interest.

Joanna Gaines' garden, wood chicken coop
At Home - Magnolia

An adorable cottage chicken coop also finds a place in the Gaines garden. Joanna placed the coop near the raised beds to help protect her vegetables—chickens eat bugs, keeping these pests away from the produce. A garden bench lines a length of the fence, providing a place to sit or display potted plants.

Antique doors and windows were integrated into the design of the garden house. This small cottage accommodates a large table for reading, planting, and getting organized in the garden. Zinc countertops and a farmhouse sink were installed for utility. Built-in wood shelves hold gardening books and a collection of flowerpots, and wall racks store gardening shoes, hats, and gloves. The indoor space even has a small lounge area with a stone fireplace.

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