TikTok Discovered How to Make Your Stand Mixer Attachment Reach the Bottom Of the Bowl

Turns out you can solve this age-old dilemma in less than a minute.

Red stand mixer on wooden table with baking ingredients

Dmitry_Evs / Getty Images

Get ready to add another TikTok hack to your list of "Things I learned when I was today years old."

Anyone who's used a stand mixer understands the struggle of making sure the mixing attachment actually mixes all of your ingredients. The least fun part of baking is turning the mixer off over and over so you can scrape the bits of dough stuck on parts of the bowl that the attachment just doesn’t reach. Thankfully, as a recently-posted viral video shows, the solution couldn't really be easier.

“You’re telling me for 40 years of not being able to hit the bottom, I could have done this? Ain’t no way,” @that40yearguy says, incredulous. The post has earned nearly 2 million views and 115,000 likes. “Sometimes, when you find stuff out, it makes you feel like a moron. And unfortunately, this is one of those times.”

He shows that the mixer attachment doesn’t touch the bottom by tossing a dime into the bowl and turning the mixer on—the dime doesn't move at all while the whisk turns around.

How to Adjust Your Stand Mixer

“There is a little sit screw type thing in the back, and if you take your kitchen screwdriver and adjust that, apparently if you go counterclockwise, it raises it. Clockwise, it lowers that head,” @that40yearguy shows in the video. He takes his screwdriver, tightens the screw, and turns the mixer back on with the dime at the bottom. The mixer then moves the dime around.

“I should really read the instructions,” @that40yearguy jokes.

He’s not the only person psyched to find an answer to the classic stand mixer problem.

“What?! Are you freaking kidding me!? I’ve had mine for 20 years and have had to stop to scrape the bottom all these years,” one user commented, receiving nearly 850 likes. 

“I used to work for the call center for KitchenAid. We gave that troubleshooting tip all the time,” another said.

Another user joked: “Wait…. I’m supposed to have a kitchen screwdriver??” Note that tightening the mechanism can be done with any screwdriver you have around—not just the screwdriver so many of us have saved in our kitchen junk drawers.

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