Should You Turn Your Toilet Into a Statement Piece with Decor?

Here's what to consider when styling your toilet (and how to ensure it's sanitary).

Basket with magazines on toilet in powder room


Decorating your bathroom comes with making some pretty personal choices. You can go for a spa-like atmosphere for relaxation and pampering, while others (particularly with a powder room) go all out with color and pattern. No matter how you decide to design your bathroom, there’s one element you can’t escape—the toilet. All the high-end fixtures and plush, fluffy towels in the world can’t disguise the fact that a bathroom is meant for business.

So, what’s the best way to address the flushable elephant in the room? Should you dress it up and make it pretty or pretend it's not there? And beyond the look is the question of germs—is it even sanitary to add decor on top or behind your toilet?

Like most design questions, it's up to the designer (aka you!). For some experts, the answer comes in the form of a toilet closet, separating it from the rest of the space. For others, there are stylistic ways to make it blend.

black pink bathroom
Colleen Duffley

“Leave the toilet as is, and create a space where the toilet is the last thing you look at,” designer Victoria Armour told House Beautiful.

Or you can go the complete other direction with colorful plumbing: With the '70s making a comeback in interiors, pastel porcelain fixtures offer a modern, maximalist take on a nostalgic trend. Plus, you're creating a focal point without bringing in any other decor pieces.

When styling your toilet, there are germs to consider: Decorating your toilet might not be the most sanitary. An experiment at the University of Colorado at Boulder found airborne particles ejected from toilets traveled up to over 6 feet per second and reached nearly 5 feet above the toilet, with most landing behind it. Chances are, those particles will land on your pretty floral arrangement or, even more concerning, your tissue box holder.

This doesn't necessarily mean you shouldn't ever add decor to the surrounding area—but it's important to be aware they deserve some extra attention on cleaning day.

bathroom green sink

Hang a statement framed poster or art piece above your toilet to draw the eye up and away from it, or place a couple floating shelves with baskets for functionality and style. Decor sitting on top of your toilet is safe, too. Add a little something to this small space with minimal items, embodying clustercore: a wooden tray with essentials, a scented candle and a small decorative bowl.

If you want to keep it simple style your toilet or the space around it, there really are no rules—just make sure you have your cleaning supplies on hand.

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