They May Not Be In Season, But You Can Still Get Your Peony Fix at Trader Joe's

Treat yourself to a bouquet for $13—but keep in mind that they could require special care.

Pink five-stem peonies from Trader Joe's

Trader Joe's

Peonies typically bloom in late spring to early summer, but if you’re lucky, you can now find a five-stem bouquet at Trader Joe’s for $13. 

Announced on Instagram by @traderjoesobsessed, an account with 685,000 followers, shoppers are more than ready to take advantage of this deal. The video, depicting a slideshow of the pink peonies in stores, has accumulated over 7,000 likes.

Because they’re out of season, it's a bit more challenging to maintain the freshness of these florals. It’s unclear if the winter peonies from Trader Joe’s differ from their summer counterparts—still, most out-of-season flowers endure longer transportation times and are subject to artificial environments, like temperature-controlled storage, for longer. This all means their condition isn’t always top notch. 

Along with these travel conditions, having the heater on in your home usually doesn't equate to a hospitable environment for fresh bouquets. However, that doesn’t mean enjoying winter peonies is a lost cause—with a little extra care, you can still keep them fresh for days.

Make sure you choose peonies with buds that are still closed or just starting to open, which allows you to have the flower for its full cycle; buying flowers with fully-opened blooms might not last as long. Don’t forget to check the stems to ensure they’re healthy, too—they should be firm and bright, not soft or slimy. Not only is a healthy stem an indicator of a healthier flower, but the healthier the stem is, the better the flower can take in water.

Once you bring your bouquet home, cut at least an inch off of the stems at a 45-degree angle, and place them in a bath of warm water until you’re ready to arrange them. Meanwhile, choose your vase, and give it a good clean to prevent any bacterial growth.

Arrange your flowers, and then put them in a cool environment away from windows with direct sunlight or any fires or furnaces. Peonies love a bit of cool air, and you can store them in the refrigerator overnight, too.

We tend to have our heaters on when it's cold, which dries the air out. Therefore, don’t be afraid to mist your petals occasionally to provide some additional hydration, and make sure to change the vase water regularly. Recut the stems at a 45-degree angle every few days to get even more water absorption. 

If you follow all of these steps, you're sure to enjoy your Trader Joe's peonies all the way until they're actually in season.

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